Alliance Magazine Highlights Community-Based Mental Healthcare led by Ember Innovators
Dec 27, 2024

Alliance Magazine, a renowned international philanthropy publication, has spotlighted the innovative work of nine Ember Innovators across the globe, who are transforming mental health care through culturally rooted methods.
This showcase of resilience, community action, and human connection was displayed as a photo exhibition at the prestigious Bloomsbury Festival, London on World Mental Health Day in October 2024. From urban gardening in Ecuador to survivor-led healing circles in Africa, the striking photographs, many captured remotely via FaceTime by award-winning photographer Elizabeth Dalziel, provide a unique window into the lives and stories of mental health champions.
Step into a world of visual storytelling through our online exhibition.
Featured organisations include ACUFA, Ahumuza Centre, Church of Uganda - Kisiizi Hospital, CAFS, Girls For Girls Africa Mental Health Foundation, HuertomanĂas, KPSI, Positive Konnections, Phola and Project Phoenix.