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Burans works with disadvantaged communities in Uttarakhand, North India, to promote mental health and wellbeing by building on their strengths and resources.
They co-design solutions with the communities they work with, to address the causes of mental ill-health. Through their varied projects, they train primary healthcare workers, conduct home visits and treatment plans, run activities for community engagement and facilitate peer-to-peer support networks.
What Others Can Learn
Burans have a clear set of principles and values that guide all aspects of their work. This allows them to run a variety of projects and activities, and try out new things, while maintaining a strong and cohesive identity: a distinctive “Burans way”.
Partnership With Ember
Burans wanted to expand their funding base beyond the research sphere, so needed to find a way of articulating themselves for non-academic audiences.
We worked with Burans to create a brand and story that reflects their distinctive value system. This has resulted in a suite of communications products, including a logo, pitch and website, that clearly expresses who they are, what they do and how they make a difference.
Burans is now well-positioned to attract new funders and partners, and to stand out as leaders in community-led mental health provision in India.