Mental Health and Wellbeing on Campus (MH+WB)

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The mission of MH+WB is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of university students and create a more supportive institutional environment as they navigate the stresses of their studies.

They provide education and training about mental health amongst students and university staff; do awareness programs by using arts, social media, local celebrities; and provide counselling and referral services to the students in need.

What Others Can Learn

MH+WB piggyback on the university infrastructure to engage young people, university staff and mobilise resources. They work at all levels within the university setting, creating a 3D approach. Their model has huge potential to be replicated elsewhere.

Partnership With Ember

Our support focused on preparing MH+WB for replication, providing them with the necessary assets and tools to pitch to key stakeholders.

First we mapped the potential partners needed to make this possible - funders, universities, Ministries of Health and Education - and co-designed tailored strategies to engage them. MH+WB then developed a distinctive brand identity to get their work noticed by these stakeholders, and produced documents demonstrating their impact, using previously-unused data. Finally, we co-developed a payment-for-services model that will bring enough income to make the project more sustainable.

MH+WB now have the key resources in place to enable their replication in a new setting.

Mental Health and Wellbeing on Campus (MH+WB) Mental Health and Wellbeing on Campus (MH+WB)