Komunitas Peduli Skizofrenia Indonesia (KPSI)
Indonesia | Website
KPSI is a support and advocacy network for people living with mental health conditions, particularly schizophrenia, and carers.
Born out of the founder’s own experience as a carer and initially centred around a Facebook group, KPSI now encompasses peer support groups, film screenings, art therapy, psychoeducation programmes, and policy-level advocacy efforts. Launched in 2009, their Facebook group has grown to 71,000 active members, with local chapters in 15 cities. Their advocacy efforts were instrumental in the passing of Indonesia’s Mental Health Act in 2014.
What Others Can Learn
Very high levels of MH stigma in Indonesia often leads to human rights violations. There is significant institutional and cultural reluctance to take MH seriously. KPSI carefully navigates the stigma barrier that makes it hard to reach those who need their support. By connecting with people online, they maintain a low profile so they can reach people “invisibly”, while being a prominent force when it comes to advocacy.
Partnership With Ember
KPSI has grown organically to become a sizeable, well-regarded carer-led organisation, with an impressive track record and wide geographical reach in-country. As they expand, they want to transform the way they work to allow them to scale further and strengthen their role as a key accelerator of change in the mental health field in Indonesia. Our work together is focused on capturing their impact, creating a strategy to guide their growth, and establishing a robust financial model so they can become sustainable going forward.